The Deer Creek Canyon Shaded Fuel Break will remove and reduce fuels on 1600 acres in Deer Creek canyon to make our community safer from wildfire.

A shaded fuel break is not a bare earth “fire break”. It involves thinning vegetation, especially ladder fuels, to slow down the speed and intensity of a wildfire. It gives firefighters a better place to fight the fire. Many trees and their shade will be retained.

It will improve wildfire safety for Deer Creek Canyon, Nevada City, and Grass Valley. The more neighbors who participate, the safer our overall community will be. CalFire Battalion Chief Matt Wallen has stated it is the single most effective intervention for protecting our area from wildfire.
Landowner participation is voluntary. Landowners will have their property treated for free if this project is fully funded.

A licensed forester will develop a treatment plan specific for each parcel in consultation with the property owner. Owners must maintain the treated property for 10 years.

We expect the planning phase to take 6 to 12 months after the planning phase is funded. The implementation phase will probably take several years.

This project is being developed and managed by the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County. Six Firewise communities and Nevada City Fire Safety Advisory Committee support the project.